Inclusion and Social Cohesion in a Digital Society

José Luis Lázaro Cantabrana, Meritxell Estebanell Minguell, Juan Carlos Tedesco


The information and knowledge society requires citizens to be ever more digitally literate. In both formal and informal environments, education has a prominent role in promoting inclusion and social integration and helping citizens to develop the competences they need to access, record, edit, publish and share online content autonomously, judiciously and responsibly. At the same time, governments should provide the resources needed to make this possible.

As we explain in this article, a group of experts worked to identify several key factors to promote the changes needed in education and draw up corresponding proposals for action. These key factors are: strategic management, generalization of access to technology, continuous teacher training, and evaluation and monitoring of policies and actions aimed at achieving digital inclusion and social cohesion.


inclusion; cohesion; equity; social; digital competence


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