Project-based learning in virtual environments: a case study of a university teaching experience

Esther Márquez Lepe, María Luisa Jiménez-Rodrigo


This article presents a case study about the implementation of a teaching innovation project aimed at applying the project-based learning technique through the use of new technologies, and specifically through the resources available in the virtual learning environment at the University of Seville (US), Spain. This project was carried out in the 2010/2011 academic year on two Sociology subjects forming part of the curricula of the Management & Public Administration and Nursing short degree courses. The objectives of this project were: 1) To apply and assess the use of a new teaching methodology for improving the teaching and learning process on socio-health subjects, and 2) To foster the students’ active, participatory and collaborative learning by doing projects and using various virtual-learning didactic instruments. Besides the project rationale and objectives, the article will describe the resources used and the main results obtained. Finally, it will discuss the limitations and potential associated with the use of these new teaching techniques in university teaching.


teaching innovation; project-based learning; new technologies


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