The school environment project and its connection with e-learning for pre-school children in Escuela Normal Superior La Hacienda de Barranquilla, Colombia

Angel Leonardo Hernández, María Piedad Acuña


The aim of this research project is to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as an appropriate method for strengthening the learning processes of pre-school children. The experience was carried out in Escuela Normal Superior La Hacienda de Barranquilla in Colombia. The method in question is both fun and educational, enabling teaching-learning processes to be boosted and supported by means of a school environment project in e-learning mode.

A sample of 75 pre-school children and 10 pre-school teachers was selected to take part in the project. Before it began, the teachers in charge were surveyed in order to determine their knowledge of technology and to ascertain how useful they considered it to be. The results showed that the majority of teachers did not use technology in their teaching because of a lack of time and knowledge of it.

This research was conducted as part of master’s degree programme in e-Learning, offered by the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (UNAB), Colombia, in partnership with the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Spain.


ICTs, methodology, e-learning, environment project, pre-school


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