Challenges and perspectives for the open education movement in the distance education environment: a diagnostic study in a SINED project

María Soledad Ramírez Montoya


The aim of this article is to present an analysis of challenges and perspectives through a project supported by the Mexican National System of Distance Education (SINED) and based on a successful case called the Regional Open Latin American Community for Social and Educational Research (CLARISE). The CLARISE for Distance Education project (2012-2013) seeks to generate knowledge on teaching models in accordance with distance education needs and a competency-based training approach, by means of networking activities that progress through three phases (diagnosis, training, implementation). This article focuses on the first phase. Having conducted a diagnostic survey of 40 participants from 9 Mexican institutions, it presents a descriptive exploratory study into 4 areas: identification data, the open education movement, distance education and innovation competencies, and networks. The purpose of the study was to devise the actions that would need to be carried out as a research group in the field of distance education. The challenges were identified in three areas: (a) institutional policies for open access; (b) knowledge management and communication; and (c) cultures of collaboration. The perspectives could be opened up by: (a) facilitator training for competency development; (b) innovative models with open access systems; and (c) mobilisation through innovation networks.


open education movement, innovation, distance education, educational challenges, open access, digital competencies


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